Bharat’s Story



And thank you for coming to this page, it shows your interest to know something about me.

My name is Bharat Jhala.

I have noticed my name is a great tongue twister for the people outside of India. The reason is, letter “h” in my name remains silent, but then it’s not a sound of “B” either, and also there is no “Bha” sound in English language.

Confused?! I know.

Here is your help:

The meaning of my name:

“The official Sanskrit name for India is Bharat.”

Bharat is made up of two words “Bha” + “Rata”

“Bha” means “Light and Knowledge.”

“Rata” means “Devoted’.

Bharat means “devoted to light (knowledge) as against darkness (of ignorance)”.

The name “Bharat” was symbolic in nature, revealing the fact that the whole country was highly enlightened spiritually.

Well, don’t be scared that’s the meaning of a name I received to write on my passport and driver’s license.

Let’s Go in Flashback:

I was born in a city of Dhrangadhra (another tongue twister, even for Indians too), a small town in Gujarat, India to wonderful parents. I have two siblings, and being the youngest I have been always the most favorite child of my parents. We all were happy go lucky kind of people living our life together.

But everything changed in one night…

…when I lost my father in a sudden heart attack.

I was 7 years old then. We neither had home of our own nor any significant income to survive. My mother was getting a small pension from the government every month. Although certainly not enough for a family of four to survive, my mother managed to raise her three kids exceptionally well.

My mother never complained about anything nor begged for help. She never sit idle and worried about the situation we were forced into. As far as I recall, I have always seen her in action. Busy doing everything that was necessary and important for her kids and family. She never made us realize that the absence of our father will create any void in our upbringing. She provided us the best education, and helped us to get established in our lives.

I have never seen my mother losing confidence in her capabilities. Challenges, in fact, could never bothered her or defeated her. I wasn’t able to understand why though at that time, but now I do.

She taught me the importance of Karma – the action. That was the seed of Action-Approach she saw in my brain. Three important lessons I learnt were:

  • Never resist any change, challenge or difficulties. What you resist, almost always persists.
  • That doesn’t mean you have to be a passive acceptor of whatever life throws at you.
  • Be clear what you want, and work your face off to create your dream future.

Mother is the greatest teacher. Even today, my mother is leading a life of actions, and helping others in all possible ways.

I completed my MBA with my mother’s support and love.

My Current Life:

Currently, I’m living in a beautiful city of Burlington, ON Canada with my wife and a 4 year young and cute daughter.

I have worked for Pharmaceutical Brand Management and IT industry for over a decade now. I’ve been always wanting to start my own business, some day. I’m thankful that I am living in the Internet era, where living off our passion is no more a dream, but a reality.

I founded High Conversion Copy where I offer my copywriting and content marketing services.

Why Did I Start Approach Your Actions?

Sharing is caring, remember? That’s the reason I started this blog, to share my learning and inspiration with the world. Helping you develop the action-approach mindset to live life with a different perspective.

Universe Rewards Actions, Not Thoughts.

We always think more and act less.

We even relate our identity with our Thoughts and go far up to the extent believing that we are what we actually think we are.

End result? We suffer from All thoughts – No actions syndrome.

Let’s not forget that Thoughts just happen into our mind, while in Actions We actually happen to our Thoughts.

In the material world, our actions builds our true identity. Action is our reality.

Of course, before making any decisions or acting on it, we must give due importance to thinking. However, over thinking and inaction are two dangerous viruses that destroy our identity even before it is built.

Right actions on our ideas make the whole difference.

The Time is Now:

We eternally wait for that perfect moment to come in our life so that we can start acting on our plans. But, that perfect moment never comes in anyone’s life. NOW is the only perfect moment to take the complete ownership of our life and actions.

And that’s what I teach here. I will help you develop Action-Approach mindset to achieve almost anything that you desire. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far.

So, let’s begin to live a new life with a new perspective. Be an action-warrior.

Thank you again,

Bharat Jhala

P.S. Don’t forget to sign-up below to receive free copy of my eBook Your Daily Action Approach – Own Your Day to Own Your Life.



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